Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey there guys! I know that I'm not doing very well keeping up this record, sorry, things at school are getting down to the wire. We are covering so much in my classes. My Nutrition class is amazing! I am actually quite sad that it's almost over. All things must come to a close..... My German class has been a whirlwind and I'm not sure how I have a B but I am not going to complain! We celebrated Lillian's 3 day restroom victory at Chucky Cheeses. We ventured to the Zoo a couple of weeks ago and with both events the kids had a blast! I am so glad they aren't whinny yet when we have to leave. Lillian reassures us that we'll return soon! HAHA!

So, Lillian, potty trained and turned into a 12yr old nightmare! I am a VERY emotional girl, but this is just ridiculous! Who knew that a person could cry over what color bowel they were using to eat out of! Hello! If this is what the teenage years are like, or I'm expecting worse, I'm selling her! LOL Really, there's just too much to say when talking about your children. It's so frustrating to understand or comprehend everything you'll go through. So, I have been writing a journal for Lillian so she may know exactly what is was like raising. I hope that it won't discourage her from having children herself. Lillian is slightly obsessed with Star Wars right now (with the fighting and scary stuff skipped). She has made several messes in the last two weeks with mascara, lotion, powder and sugar on the CARPET!!!!!! I can't watch her every second when I'm alone and Liam has been doing enough damage by himself. How is it that I keep all things up and put away and they find ways to get into things! I swear that my kids can levitate!!!! No amount of punishment has worked, so I pulled out the hot sauce tonite and I think that did the job. I didn't actually have to give it to her, just seeing one drop on the spoon scared her enough, I hope. We've already spanked once and she smiled....... Not even I did that, I knew better. Lillian and Liam had their first experience of a political tea party at the state capitol the early part of April! I want my children informed and proactive in their political beliefs and for them to see us involved too.

Liam is great! He's in the hitting and scratching phase. What is that? Lillian is having a breakdown because we won't let her hit back, sometimes I just want to let them go at it so that they'll get tired and pass out. That so not acceptable. So, we'll just keep plugging along. He is drinking out of a cup by himself, scribbling for coloring and trying desperately to talk. He says Mama, Dada, Bapa, Yaya, uh-uh, and that's about it. If we tell him to put something back he does it. He loves to vacuum right now, help with the laundry and brush his teeth.

Kelly is chopping at the bit to get back to Tuff Shed. If we can find a sitter then we are hopeful he can start next week. I have to register for the Fall this week. Kelly is having trouble with his immunization record because his doctor retired and without that he has to get all those shots all over again. This makes us a little nervous. There are many things that can happen when adults get the shots that are given normal within the first few years. They have a hold on his account because of it.

Before I write a book..... We are all great! I had my 29th Birthday and I feel GREAT! All is well here in the mile high city! I pray that all of you are well.

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