Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wonderful Visit

This weekend has been awesome! Kelly's brother Tom and wife Lisa came to visit and we had a blast! We love to see family and Lillian misses them all the time, or so she tells me. Tom and Lisa are doing very well! We ventured to WalMart and Panera for some yummy lunch, and spent pretty much the whole weekend catching up and visiting. Tom and Lisa left this morning after sacrament and they will be missed.
There is a very large part of me still in Utah. In Utah I had just made friends and felt like had started becoming closer to K's side of the family, then here comes Heavenly Father telling us to go back to Colorado, who knows what's in store in the next 5 years.
K's mom is graduating this August from BYU, GO COUGARS, and MOM! We hope to see that, we are trying to save up for that and our trip out at Christmas. Kelly's parents are planning on leaving for another mission in January 2010. Tom is still working on his PhD at the U. Lisa's teaching this summer in the mornings from 8-9. We hear Anna (Kelly's Sister) and Kelly (Carter- Anna's hubby) are great with their huge garden! Kelly grows the most delicious veggies.
I am enjoying and struggling with the adventures of being a stay at home mom of two, but each day you learn something new. Being a full time mom definitely has it's ups and downs but when you see your babies asleep at night, so beautiful with their perfect skin and innocence it makes it all worth it. The first time they say their own prayer it brings tears to your eyes and you know that they are becoming their own little person, it all seems to happen too quickly. My precious babies are so wonderful! I occasionally have a client that comes to get their hair done, and I love those times as well.
Times are tough but when I really take a look at that big picture my life is wonderful. Marriage is nothing like I imagined it. There are more ups and downs than I expected but it leaves life interesting from day to day and I wouldn't trade my decision ever. I am grateful for my family and friends. I hope that all is well with each and every one of you, much love until next time....

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