So Liam was our little "drummer/pirate" today. Lillian was helping crack him up. but mostly it was daddy and Liam time after Kelly returned home from work. Really, stuff like this makes all the other stuff just disappear.
Nothing eventful today, except my great friend Laura brought me the most AMAZING muffins I have ever tasted from "My favorite muffin". Oh my word, this place has to be a secret or else everyone in the world would weigh 1000 lbs! Yummy!
Also we're still working on potty training so there's lots of laundry.
We moved the treadmill downstairs since Robert will be living in the room upstairs for the next two weeks. Did I mention that I finally was able to have my hair done, by a very intricate series of events and tasks it was finally made so!
I have to run K and I need to get the kiddo's to bed. It was hard to be a mother today, I am glad that Kelly is home.
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