Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The month of December!

Well this month is the busiest of the year for me. In this month there are so many things to think and focus on. The beginning of the month is full of birthdays. My mothers, my hubbie and my son. Also the Christmas season, Joseph Smith's birthday, my grandmas birthday and the day my grandpa passed. Plus the New Year's celebration.

We were blessed to travel to Utah for the week of Christmas, which we squeezed in a trip to Brigham City for the annual Johnson Family Christmas party, and seeing Aunt Shirlea (Kelly's dad's aunt) and her husband Ron are always a pleasure to see. Shirlea is such a loving woman, she's getting older and doesn't travel well, in fact they rarely venture our of town except for trips to the doctor, and those trips are not pleasant. Anywho, on to Springville after a "pit-stop" in West Valley to see Tom and Lisa who made our transportation possible by lending us one of their vehicles.

We were going to be alone from the 19th to the 22nd but my father-in-law had a bad accident, and his arm and wrist met the ice in the parking lot at Utah Valley University. He had to have surgery the Monday before Christmas, he was very sick and in a lot of pain the whole time we were there. Mom ran and fetched as he needed to try and keep him as comfy as possible. The pain meds were making him sick, he was just a mess unfortunately. They gave "non-farewell" talks this last Sunday in their sacrament meeting.

Two days before Christmas I was able to spend time with Anna (K's sister)and do her hair, she looks hot! She is recovering from a quick surgery herself, she's doing great!

I went to visit the BL which has been sold and is now Marinello's, it's not the same at all :(. Well, my memories are fond, I'm sure it's a great place. I was able to go see one of my instructors from the BL, Carolyn, her husband is in recovery at Utah Valley Hospital from a spill off the roof that made him paralyzed from the chest down, we're hopeful that he will be able to walk again. Carolyn is such an inspiration to me, her glass is always full, not even half full, but ALWAYS Full! She is so positive and has a smile on her face, I can only imagine all the tears I would be shedding if it were Kelly in that bed. They are really so in love, Carolyn and Bruce. They have laughter and he's doing GREAT!

Liam is still trying to let go and walk, he'll be a while, and I am NOT in a hurry! Lillian is as active as ever, she is doing so well, we're still working on her alphabet and we try to teach her at least one new word a day with definition, she'll catch on soon! They both received really great gifts and had a great Christmas! They received lots of clothes and toys. Mom made Lillian a puppet theatre out of PVC pipes, it's AWESOME and it is allowing her imagination to soar! She also received 12 puppets with it, so cute! Liam received lots of toy trucks and such, including and awesome helicopter from his uncle James and auntie Tashana. They gave Lillian a mermaid Barbie.

We had such a wonderful Christmas, it was a very humbling year for us, and even in despair, Kelly was there, strong and supportive. I can't believe this year has just flown by. I have a 3yr old and a 1 yr old. My children are beautiful and wonderful and such a blessing. I can't believe that Kelly and I have come this far from high school. He is slowly growing into the man I knew he could always be, and it's one of the hardest things I have ever lived through, but I wouldn't trade a single second of his love and struggle. I love him very much. He's the only person I love as much as my Savior, and some times I find myself guilty of feeling more love for him than our Savior. I think it's because he exhibits so many Christlike behaviors toward me, and those tender moments with our babies where he has so much love for them, watching thinking you'll just burst from it all. I find so much strength in my Savior and His Father.

Over this year I feel like a wild horse that's been refusing to be broken and the Lord just keeps trying. Have you heard that song, Broken by Lifehouse? My pride keeps fighting, but Heavenly Father loves me so much, He will never give up on me or turn me away. There have been times in my life that I've turned away from Him and felt that He abandoned me, but in reality He was always there to accept me with open arms right by my side the whole time. I know that I'm on this soap box, but this is what has been happening this year. I've seen people hurt, people die too soon for us to let go, financial despair, spiritual weakness, love being lost and re found, trust broken and the road to mending. This year has been a memorable one. To all who read this, I love my Savior. I love my family. I have never regretted joining the LDS Church, which I KNOW to be the ONLY true church here on the earth, it IS God's true church, restored as promised in the Bible. It will not fall and NO man can stop the Lord's work from going forward, not rude comments or personal attacks, NOBODY can stop the hand of the Lord. I am grateful for all the friends I've had, have and will have. My husband is my best friend and I look forward to all of Eternity with him and my family through the sealing power of the priesthood that is exercised in the Lord's temples. Time can only tell what the future holds and after this year, I am sure that if I push through and hold strong to the gospel, I will be able to make it through anything, with the love of a man, a family and my Heavenly parents. This is my humble testimony, in the sacred name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. I love you all, take care and yeah for the New Year, another new beginning full of progress!


  1. I am so glad God has brought you a life of happiness and true love. You have a beautiful family. I wish all the best for you in the new year. Here's to a year of new experiences. Merry CHRISTmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! xoxo---Amilia

  2. you were in Utah, drove right by me and didn't stop!!!!! Hey, I am glad you had a great visit anyhow :) Merry Christmas to you and the family!


  3. I love you! You're such as inspiration. I'm missing you more and more the longer I go without seeing you! But at least I can talk to you whenever I'm missing you too much to handle. Thank heaven for the evolution of cell phones! love you!
