Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Let's try this again..... I had a HUGE detailed post and I had to step away for a quick moment and Liam had deleted it ALL!!!! Okay so.... Kelly had this last weekend off and I didn't know what to do, it was like having a husband again! LOL This included Monday, WOW! So on Saturday we finished building our garden boxes for veggies and such. Kelly did the building and I helped stand on boards or hand him tools or nails and shovel dirt and gravel when it was time. The first box, built from 8' red wood landscaping boards, is an 8'x4' and approx 18" deep. The other is an 8'x3' I believe and just as deep. We went with the kids to Pioneer supply and obtained both gardening soil @ $33 a yard and pea gravel at approximately $29 a yard. After 2 trips, removing a fence section, driving on the sidewalk on the side of the house to unload the truck and 7 hrs, all was right and beautiful! It was so rewarding to finish a project quickly and to do it with Kelly. Lillian nailed boards for hours and had a great time! My dad said he was suprised that Kelly and I were able to finish it and not fight, but we've never had a problem working together that we can recall. We are planting kale, cucumbers, carrots, beets, lettuce, 2 types of tomatoes including early girls and yellow pear heirlooms, green beans, strawberries and bell peppers. We also pulled the pool out and the kids had a great time. It was Liam's first time in the pool and he had such a great time!
Yesterday we cooked all day for a (German food theme) Memorial Day feast, it was fantastic! We went to the Bashaw's house with the Murray's, Babcock's, and the Jensen's I believe. The other families served missions or had lived there at some point and our family was the one with heritage. My father made Rouladen, top round roast sliced 1/4" thick, pounded and "lined" with bacon, mustard, s&p, onions and ghirkin picles, rolled and browned, then cooked in beef broth, with a gravy made from the cooking stock (hmm). Kelly and I made Apfel Kuchen which translated is apple cake, if you haven't had it, you've missed out! Rob (brother) helped peel and core all the apples. I sauted them in Apple Jack's and some other stuff, sliced thin and layered on the tender thin pastry that of course Kelly made. A few other thing s and wala my Oma's kuchen! I also made saurkraut, yum! We drain ours, saute one granny apple with one white onion with cracked caraway seed. Brown the white, veal brats and simmer in a dark ale off heat for 20 min. Slice the brats and mix in with the kraut and saute and bake for 35 min at 325 degrees. Also, I fit in my brothers haircut and some laundry.
The feast was @ 3:30 and we had a great time! We left around 6 because we'd promised Lillian since last Thursday that we would have a date and take her to see Shrek Ever After (so cute by the way!). We came home and unloaded Liam and mom watched him for us. On the way to the theatre Lillian started to fall asleep so we didn't go to Southland Theatre as planned for 3D, we chose to go local and see it regular. That way we could wake her up really quickly.

Lillian is so excited to plant! Believe it or not she loves to weed and water with me throughout the week. We bought her a Princess kneeling pad, watering can, gardening tools and Dora gloves, she just loves it! We are planning on planting tonite. She had a great time playing in the dirt, pulling weeds while K and I worked on the gardening corner. Lillian has been a super pill, but laso very helpful, she really is such a sweetheart! It's hard to believe that she drives me nuts!!!! Yesterday while we were cooking and cleaning and cutting, she went out front to be with my mom on the porch, my mom had to leave and told her to go inside...... she didn't... After a little while I asked Kelly if Lillian was still outside with my mom, she was down on another street riding her bike on our walking "trail" by herself! I am so glad that nothing happened to her. She is "grounded" from the front and her bike for a little while and we also take most of the blame. When Kelly went out to find her she was coming up a hill with one of the ladies from the other street..... These are the things that make you feel so stupid and under qualified to be a parent. She figures out every lock that has been invested short of an "lock from the inside" top lock.

Liam ... well he has geographic tongue! Weird, only between 1%-3% of the world's population get it and it's genetic! I never had it, Kelly? It's really interesting, you should check it out on the web. He woke up at 10:30 this morning with 2 puddles of bloody drool. He seems to be in less pain today however. For the last 5 days Liam hasn't been eating much more than ice cream (because he won't eat popcicles), pudding, and drinking milk, water and juice (watered down). He's wasting away! Not really, but he has lost a little weight. He's a moody little 18mth old, but this is normal. Hold me, put me down, hold, down me, put me down!

My class starts next Monday, it should be interesting. Well it was 80 today with some cloud cover in the afternoon, it's been wonderful! I'll write again soon!

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